
Cooperstown Triathlon 2014

The first swim – bike – run event of the year for Ted and he had such an enjoyable day, It started off a bit cool for a swim, 50 degrees with water at 57 degrees. Above: The fog lifting over the lake as athletes set up in transition. Getting the body acclimated to the cold water with a pre-race swim. Even though the water was cold, there were many happy faces. These folk wanted to swim no matter what.  They wanted a complete sprint triathlon with a 700 meter swim (shorted 100 meters due to water temp), 12 mile [...]

By |2014-05-26T12:30:32-04:00May 26, 2014|Races|2 Comments

Rainbow Slaw and Bosc Pear Salad PLUS This and That

Starting with this and that… Boston Training Thoughts: When I set out on my long run yesterday, my first 18 miler for this training season, I wondered why I was doing it. My feet were heavy and my run was slow. There was ice all over the road. But I did it to myself since I am an early morning runner. If the patience to wait was in me, I would have gone out 4 hours later and ran in 40 degree weather, no ice on the road.  In the end, I ran and was happy to have it under [...]

By |2014-02-23T11:36:38-05:00February 23, 2014|Salads|4 Comments

Benefits of Both Spouses Being Fit

It was another frigid morning.  The alarm went of and I got up. The dogs followed me into the bathroom where we have a wireless weather station.  *A very handy place to have a weather station since you can sit and contemplate options for the day based upon rain or shine, warmth or cold. The outside temperature read 4 degrees.  I thought “I can’t do this again. I’m just not in the mood.”  I turned right around, both dogs still following in expectation of suiting up and going outside, stood by the bedroom door, they left the room, I shut [...]

By |2014-01-30T14:09:41-05:00January 30, 2014|Health and Nutrition|7 Comments

Something’s Up with The Foot and Grilled Frittata

It doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t get worse when I run.  Sometimes it aches a little then goes away.  I bet most people wouldn’t even notice, it’s that subtle.  Since I’m pushing the limits lately running one race after another, I’m a bit paranoid that something is going to give. Something is up with the foot.  A note to foot “I’ll caress you. I’ll wash you and massage you.  I’ll rub exfoliating cream on your heel and gently pinch your toes.  I’ll clip your nails straight across and do my best from turning them black when I run.  In exchange for [...]

By |2013-04-22T19:29:51-04:00April 22, 2013|Quick Meals|4 Comments

Run Ride Eat and Sweet Salty Peanut Butter Cookies

The first year I ran a marathon, I couldn’t wait to take time off from running.  After just completing my 7th marathon, I can’t seem to stop running.  It has taken hold of me.  I wish I could say I had this passion for running that surpassed all else.  I don’t.  My relationship with running is pure fitness motivated with obsession sprinkled in.  It’s love-hate.  I absolutely love how I feel after completing a long run.  I absolutely hate how I feel when I get out of bed and have to motivate myself to lace up.  But I do it [...]

By |2013-04-21T14:51:26-04:00April 21, 2013|cookies|3 Comments

Why Do I Run and Apple Twigs

As I tried to get to sleep at 11:15 pm, tossing and not being successful at getting into a comfortable position, thoughts began spewing from my mind. One such thought was why I run or more specifically, why do I run races? I ask myself that question over and over again and couldn’t/can’t come up with a satisfactory answer.  My initial response was  I like it…No, no you don’t like it. At the beginning of every race your stomach is in your throat, it’s the only time you perspire in nervous anticipation and, lets face it, the body hurts sometimes [...]

By |2012-09-23T09:46:48-04:00September 23, 2012|Baking, Running|9 Comments
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