
Cross Train and Five Bean Salad

A lot of folks promote cycling as a great cross training activity for a runner. Why? SOURCE:  TriNewbies  Well according to Rick Niles, spinning can actually make you a faster runner! This relationship between spinning and running lies on the hip rotation, specifically the relationship between cadence and the velocity of your hip rotation in degrees per second. Example: An individual pedaling at a cadence of 90 or 90 rpm’s, is rotation his/her hips at a velocity of 220 degrees per second. This is equivalent to a 6:45 per mile running pace. For those of us in the “average” running [...]

By |2011-08-10T17:23:50-04:00August 10, 2011|Exercises, Vegetarian|3 Comments

Another FLAT and KC Masterpiece Pulled Pork Sandwich

It was a good 15 mile run on Saturday followed by a not the best 14 mile bike ride in the afternoon. I got a flat. That would be my FOURTH flat on the back tire within 8 months. That would be my 4 to Ted’s NONE! Is someone trying to tell me something?!!! Frustrated! I think I’ll do best to keep my bike on the trainer and leave the out door riding to Ted. In any event, we did get to enjoy the Greater New York scenery by riding around the lake in Cazenovia. We started our ride from [...]

By |2011-07-18T10:55:03-04:00July 18, 2011|product review|5 Comments

Run Recovery and CEimB Stir Fried Bok Choy with Tofu or Pork

A week or two before running the Boilermaker, I was getting tired.  Call that BURNOUT.  There were few days that I was enthusiastic about getting out of bed for a run.   I made myself a promise that after the Boilermaker I would take a three day break from running.   Two of those days I was successful.  By the third day, my head wanted to run, my legs wanted to go back to bed. Monday after the race, I got up to work with weights and rode the bike with Ted for 10 miles in 35 minutes.  That was a good [...]

By |2011-07-13T12:48:33-04:00July 14, 2011|CEimB, Exercises|7 Comments

S’Mores Loaf Cake

It was just one of those days. The weather screamed for us to be outside. I took advantage of the cooler start to the day by running with Shane. It was just so beautiful outside, I couldn’t stop.  We went 9 miles, I dropped Shane off and continued on for a total of 12 miles.  It wasn’t until the last mile that my legs started to get tired.  It was just so nice and I wanted to keep running. Ted came home from coffee with the guys.  We did a few chores and decided to go for a slow and [...]

By |2011-07-04T20:33:09-04:00July 5, 2011|Baking, Exercises|7 Comments

Bike Fit and Slow Roasted Salmon with Leek Sauce

Bike Fit: Oh! THAT was the problem Ted and I made an appointment with Margaret Thompson, USA Cycling Licensed Level 1 Coach who has won 8 National Championships and 2 silver medals at UCI Master World Championships. She helped perfect our bike fits as well as discussed our goals for cycling. Ted – the triathlete and me-the runner. It was a successful session.  On Ted’s bike, there were just a couple of minor adjustments to his shoe clip angle as well as handle bars and a little tweaking of the saddle.  On my bike, there were more drastic adjustments such [...]

By |2011-06-24T17:33:04-04:00June 24, 2011|Cycling, Fish|2 Comments

Mondays Routine and Weekend Parties

Monday starts the work week and working out week. Checking the legs….”are you ready?”  Legs respond:  “NO!”  The brain never listens to the legs anyway.  Interval work: 2 mile warm up.  3 minutes hard running and 3 minutes easy (I mostly walked in between. not much energy this morning) x 8 sets. Weights:  Chest and shoulders for 35 minutes.  *Legs were worked late Sunday afternoon. I was bored and tired of cooking and baking so I went into the gym and did a good hard leg workout.  Ted was in the Humane Society Golf Tournament all Sunday afternoon.  He brought [...]

By |2010-08-16T06:35:54-04:00August 16, 2010|Health and Nutrition, Life|14 Comments
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