
Exercise routines and comments from Joanne. Joanne is not a certified fitness professional however has been doing exercise routines which incorporate aerobics, weights, yoga, and various forms of training. These routines are her own routines and not necessarily recommended by professionals. See your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Yasso’s Yes? or No? and Ratatouille Pasta

This week’s speed work was 800 repeats or some would call them Yasso 800’s.  The Yasso 800’s are for marathoners looking for a very specific time goal.  A lot of folk do the Yasso repeats then a lot of folk say they don’t work.  I incorporate them into my workout simply for variety. How to do the 800’s: First of all, the name "Yasso" is from Bart Yasso, a well known distance runner  who popularized the workout. This is how to do a Yasso 800 workout: Convert your marathon goal time in hours and minutes to minutes/seconds. Example: If your [...]

By |2012-07-24T19:56:42-04:00July 24, 2012|Exercises, Quick Meals|3 Comments

No Fireworks, Just Smooth Sailing

Getting started on our July 4th celebration there were no fireworks but smooth sailing or rather running and riding.  It was already 70 degrees when we got up late on this holiday.  We stayed up until 11:30 pm (quite the accomplishment for Ted and I) watching the DVD “Safe House” with Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds Does Denzel ever make a bad movie? I haven’t seen one if he has. When we finally got our lazy behinds out of bed, Shane and I went for a 5 mile run. We made a couple of water stops because Shane and his [...]

By |2012-07-04T12:24:51-04:00July 4, 2012|Exercises|5 Comments

TD 5 Boro Bike Tour NYC

May 5th and 6th marked the weekend of a big event for Ted and I.  We would travel 4 1/2 hours to tour New York City on bikes with 32,000 other folk.  Proceeds from the event go to educational programs which promote safe cycling in New York. We arrived in New York at 2:30 pm and immediately left on foot to get to the expo where we would pick up our packets, bibs, and check out all other goodies.  It was a fun 2 mile walk through a city that is filled with interesting people, buildings, faces, places.  The expo [...]

By |2012-05-08T07:21:27-04:00May 8, 2012|Cycling|11 Comments

Something to Think About

When the going gets tough and I need to redirect my thoughts, as I’m sure will be necessary on Monday from Hopkinton to Boston, I like to focus on future activities.  This is what’s in store for Ted and I after April 16th. May 6th is the Five Boro Bike Tour.  Ted and I won the lottery for America’s largest cycling event.  It’s a 40 mile, traffic free ride for 32,000 cyclists.  We start at Battery Park in New York City, go through Manhattan, Central Park, the Bronx, down the Queensboro Bridge and pass so many NYC icons on the [...]

By |2012-04-13T11:24:50-04:00April 13, 2012|Cycling|2 Comments

Embrace Resolutions and Planning a Route

I stopped making resolutions years ago. Good intentions would last for about two weeks but then fall by the wayside about mid January. I do set goals and challenges for myself but don't invent them “willy-nilly” at the turn of the year. They are well thought out and I work towards them utilizing a defined plan. I found a neat anagram from My Inner World  which uses the word "FACE" to help resolution makers stay on track for the new year. It appealed to me because of the challenges I've set for myself in 2012. If I can keep this [...]

By |2012-01-20T06:25:43-05:00January 19, 2012|Exercises|1 Comment

Riding after Running

What a great morning “after” we had.  Both Ted and I ran the Syracuse ARC races, Ted the 5K placing 115 out of 220 men and I ran the Half marathon placing 25 out of 221 women.  We had a great time in Syracuse but the fun didn’t stop on Saturday.  Sunday, after watching Shane try to catch some ducks grazing in the golf course, we went on a 37 mile bike ride to Rome.  Our first stop:  Boulevard Diner in Oriskany for breakfast. The fresh fruit bowl. The tomato and feta Egg Beater omelet with home fries and dry [...]

By |2011-09-11T14:45:41-04:00September 11, 2011|Cycling|5 Comments
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