
Exercise routines and comments from Joanne. Joanne is not a certified fitness professional however has been doing exercise routines which incorporate aerobics, weights, yoga, and various forms of training. These routines are her own routines and not necessarily recommended by professionals. See your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Cross Train and Five Bean Salad

A lot of folks promote cycling as a great cross training activity for a runner. Why? SOURCE:  TriNewbies  Well according to Rick Niles, spinning can actually make you a faster runner! This relationship between spinning and running lies on the hip rotation, specifically the relationship between cadence and the velocity of your hip rotation in degrees per second. Example: An individual pedaling at a cadence of 90 or 90 rpm’s, is rotation his/her hips at a velocity of 220 degrees per second. This is equivalent to a 6:45 per mile running pace. For those of us in the “average” running [...]

By |2011-08-10T17:23:50-04:00August 10, 2011|Exercises, Vegetarian|3 Comments

Just Push and New Product No Recipe

How hard are you willing to push during a workout, during a race, during  any event that challenges you physically? Most of the time, you simply need to gain enough experience to pace yourself. Then there are times when you need to dig out that motivational motto that keeps you going. This is what I’ve learned during my progression from casual running for fitness, about 8 years ago, and racing to achieve a time goal, which started about 2 years ago. 1.  You need to hang up the headset and focus on your body. a.  Breath:  if you are breathing [...]

By |2011-08-02T18:56:31-04:00August 3, 2011|Exercises, product review|3 Comments

You Know You’re Getting Faster When and Snapea Crisps

After taking it easy last week, a total of 17 miles and some change, ducking out of my long run by running a 5K and getting a new PR (well that move paid off!), I made a strong come back on Monday, ready to tackle the Philadelphia training.  Not that it was easy getting up but once I was out of bed, my mind didn’t search for excuses to get back into bed. It was early and Shane was a little stiff from too much Frisbee play over the weekend.  It was treadmill torture for at least 55 minutes. Treadmill:  [...]

By |2011-08-02T05:38:54-04:00August 2, 2011|Exercises, product review|3 Comments

Doggy Driver

Spotted at Blockbuster Video, Friday night at 8pm a suspicious looking character, scoping out the video store. After he disappeared for a few minutes,  the store manager did a quick inventory check and found several movies missing: 1.  “Lassie Come Home” 2.  “Old Yeller” 3.  “Benji” and 4.  “Turner and Hooch” The owner was quick to suspect the bandit in the red Jeep, but when approached, the big eyed, jowly looking fellow feigned innocence The case remains unsolved. SATURDAY MORNING We’re heading out to the Falls.  Can’t wait!   But first, the three of us (Ted, Jo & Shane) went for [...]

By |2011-07-23T07:45:49-04:00July 23, 2011|Exercises|3 Comments

Run Recovery and CEimB Stir Fried Bok Choy with Tofu or Pork

A week or two before running the Boilermaker, I was getting tired.  Call that BURNOUT.  There were few days that I was enthusiastic about getting out of bed for a run.   I made myself a promise that after the Boilermaker I would take a three day break from running.   Two of those days I was successful.  By the third day, my head wanted to run, my legs wanted to go back to bed. Monday after the race, I got up to work with weights and rode the bike with Ted for 10 miles in 35 minutes.  That was a good [...]

By |2011-07-13T12:48:33-04:00July 14, 2011|CEimB, Exercises|7 Comments

S’Mores Loaf Cake

It was just one of those days. The weather screamed for us to be outside. I took advantage of the cooler start to the day by running with Shane. It was just so beautiful outside, I couldn’t stop.  We went 9 miles, I dropped Shane off and continued on for a total of 12 miles.  It wasn’t until the last mile that my legs started to get tired.  It was just so nice and I wanted to keep running. Ted came home from coffee with the guys.  We did a few chores and decided to go for a slow and [...]

By |2011-07-04T20:33:09-04:00July 5, 2011|Baking, Exercises|7 Comments
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