cream of rye

Sprained Thumb

Have you ever sprained your thumb opening the top on your shampoo?  It hurts and doesn't really want to move.  Should I write to the manufacturer of the shampoo suggesting that they might want to find a different container company?  Hmmmm... depends how much worse my thumb gets. The start of a festive Thursday.  VPX protein got me through 45 minutes on the ET and 30 minutes of a shoulder and ab workout.  I went walking with Shane for about 38 minutes.  We saw a lot of deer racing around this morning. Two were leaping from the MVCC parking lot [...]

By |2008-12-18T08:27:16-05:00December 18, 2008|Breakfast ideas, Exercises|Comments Off on Sprained Thumb

Dirty Dishes, Sore Foot

It's not "Black Friday" is it?  Today began with a painful walk with Shane.  The heavy, wet snow was falling towards us as we walked down the Parkway.  It was painful as it hit my eyes because I forgot my brimmed hat.  The walk was cut short as we turned at the Zoo because, along with the eye pain, I was getting a blister on my right foot.  Luckily, as we turned towards home, the snow wasn't hitting my face anymore, but the blister was getting worse and my left foot was soaking wet. It was a 58 minute very [...]

By |2008-12-12T08:20:48-05:00December 12, 2008|Breakfast ideas, Exercises|Comments Off on Dirty Dishes, Sore Foot

To Work in a Jiffy

We watched a good moving last night: Ironman.  It was a heap better than The Hulk. Stef told us that Ironman was a lot better and we took her up on her recommendation. Thanks Stef! Got a call from Sam this morning, Sue is sick in bed with what sounds like the flu. Wayne tells me he has much of the same thing. GREAT! I'm armed with Clorox wipes and Lysol.... wish me luck. This morning I didn't run. My legs were kind of heavy and my heart wasn't into it so I did 40 minutes on the ET.  40 minutes [...]

By |2008-12-04T10:00:23-05:00December 4, 2008|Breakfast ideas, Exercises|2 Comments

Good Morning, It's Friday!

The bagel making went ok in regards to "form".  The taste and texture wasn't right. I had to use Gluten Free Flour (baking mix to be precise) and didn't use enough sweetness. So, I'm still on a mission to make my Gingerbread Bagels. But they look pretty good, don't they? This morning was really mild outside, almost 50 degrees. Shane and I went for a nice walk down the Parkway. Here's a recap: We headed West on the Parkway and went around the Rec. Center.           The chef at Valley View G.C. was already up and in [...]

By |2008-11-14T08:16:23-05:00November 14, 2008|Breakfast ideas, Life|Comments Off on Good Morning, It's Friday!
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