The bagel making went ok in regards to “form”.  The taste and texture wasn’t right. I had to use Gluten Free Flour (baking mix to be precise) and didn’t use enough sweetness. So, I’m still on a mission to make my Gingerbread Bagels. But they look pretty good, don’t they? bagel-making-004

This morning was really mild outside, almost 50 degrees. Shane and I went for a nice walk down the Parkway. Here’s a recap: We headed West on the Parkway and went around the Rec. Center.  






bagel-making-007The chef at Valley View G.C. was already up and in the kitchen.  See the lights on the far right? That’s the kitchen.  bagel-making-009 We saw 5 deer grazing in someone’s back yard. But before I could get the camera out, Shane gave a little growl and the deer flipped their little white tails and ran away.  It was probably too dark to get a good pic. anyway.  When we turned into our driveway at about 6:20 AM, Ted was in the shower (I could see the bathroom lights on) and the sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon.  It wa actually a beautiful pink sky but the camera barely captured it.   So we traveled at a fairly quick pace about 5 miles and made it home just over an hour. 

For breakfast, I decided on a HUGE-O apple, Cream of Rye with a 1/4 cup non fat pineapple cottage cheese (cinnamon added to Rye while cooking). I had 1/2 a banana with 1 TBS nut butters before heading out with Shane.  To down the vitamins/supplements, I had 1/2 cup non fat soy milk.     bagel-making-010


Hey guys! It’s Friday!  Yippee!

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