Healthy meals

Runners Passport and Meatless Roast Sweet Potato Salsa

The BAA is doing things different this year.  Runners of the 2013 Boston Marathon were sent a Passbook or Passport for bib pick up, expo and race weekend information. That passport is gold since it gets us a hassle free experience when picking up our race day goodies such as bib number, shirt, drop off bag, etc.  My personal preference was the larger postcard pass since it was less likely to get lost in all my paperwork.  Along with the passport, we get: A welcome book for getting around. A hydration pamphlet so you can brush up on your hydrating [...]

By |2013-03-27T12:37:53-04:00March 27, 2013|Salads|3 Comments

Culinary Roundtable with Lean Cuisine

I love to cook and bake.  My favorite room in the house is the kitchen.  My feet get very little rest, even after a long run, because the way I wind down, relax, is spending down time in the kitchen.  What I’m getting at is there hasn’t been a frozen aka TV dinner in our house for years! Until now. Meet Chef’s Pick from the Lean Cuisine Culinary Roundtable. Accomplished chefs brought their creative vision and style to the Lean Cuisine kitchen and put together many options suitable to satisfy the home cook and their family of picky eaters. I [...]

By |2013-02-05T17:55:49-05:00February 6, 2013|product review|3 Comments

Tis That Season and A Rustic Pasta Recipe

It’s all around the lights, the ornaments, the music, tree top angels, the seasonal aromas… but I’m just not ready. My shopping is almost done but the spirit hasn’t moved me.  I’ve been baking but not designating anything strictly “Christmas”.   Maybe it’s the lack of snow.  I look outside and still see green.  The trees look lifeless but they aren’t wearing a blanket of white.  When I run in the morning, I smell the occasional wood burning fire and I get a fleeting sense of the time of year.  It’s nice not to have to run through snow and try [...]

By |2012-12-06T19:28:04-05:00December 7, 2012|healthy cooking|4 Comments

Cold Running and FOFF Spaghetti Squash Au Gratin

The mornings have been colder, not wet, not windy, just cold.  It’s hard getting used to running in the cold and knowing what to wear so as not to get too hot and have to carry half your clothing in your hands or around your waist.  Legs don’t seem to be a problem, I wear capris at 45 to 50 degrees and cool weather running tights in colder weather.  It’s just the upper body that seems to be the challenge.  This week it has been in the high 20’s to mid 30’s  My hands seem to be the upset this [...]

By |2012-11-08T16:09:44-05:00November 8, 2012|Fusion Food & Friends|3 Comments

FOFF Slow Cooker Garbanzo Bean Stew

Magical beans...don't get scared! If you eat these healthy little beauties often, your digestive system will adapt and you're subscription to "Bean-O" will be cancelled. Don't pass up all the benefits of beans including slow digesting carbohydrates, tons of fiber, antioxidants (important this time of year) and healthy protein. So much nutrition in such a little, low fat package. And so I present: THE BEAN. .... Whoops! Wrong "Bean".  That’s Zoe-Bean.  We want THIS bean: The Garbanzo Bean. We’ll be using it in the recipe from Fusion of Food and Friends.  But first, it’s important to understand why beans are [...]

By |2012-10-10T10:02:40-04:00October 11, 2012|Fusion Food & Friends|4 Comments

FOFF Farfalle with Creamed Basil, Mushrooms, and Peas

I’ve been eating a lot more pasta lately.  Guess that’s ok since I’ve got some long races coming up, although I try not to think of them as races.  It’s easier for my anxiety level if I think of them as “group long runs”.  Keeping with that thought, I’m not sure why this is beginning to happen to me again. What is “this”? Well, “THIS” is those questioning thoughts concerning my training for upcoming events.  Did I run enough miles?  Have I done my long runs fast enough? Efficiently enough? As I read other blogs and hear how well other [...]

By |2012-09-05T18:16:48-04:00September 5, 2012|FOFF, Fusion Food & Friends|2 Comments
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