This week’s recipe was tettering on the edge of being the first CEimB I opted out of since joining our group.  I don’t like smoked salmon. The texture just doesn’t agree with my tongue receptors.  However, in the spirit of trying anything, I went for it, purchasing the smallest quantity of smoked salmon available, 4 oz.  Ted was all in for trying it so on Monday morning, it was  New York Breakfast, picked by Sara of Imafoodblog.  Sara is at the helm of our CEimB group so make sure you take a trip over to her blog.


I made two changes to this recipe:  I added eggs and I used Rye-Pumpernickel bread. 

It was really easy to make for a weekday breakfast when we are typically bumping into each other in the kitchen while grabbing at vitamins, using the toaster, getting the dogs breakfast… it’s a real “dodge ball” situation. 

When I proclaimed that we would try this breakfast, the kitchen was all mine. The way I like it.  I was in complete control while Ted vacuumed…more of what I like  🙂 .

Ellie’s recipe is easy:  You toast thin sliced pumpernickel bread. Spread 1 1/2 tsp whipped cream cheese on the toast (I used whipped cream cheese with chives), top with smoked salmon (this is where I inserted eggs (over easy=Ted and whites=me) then the salmon), add some thin sliced red onion, a few slices of english cucumber, and some chopped fresh tomato.  Finish the presentation with snipped chives. 


 We shared 1/2 an orange each since no breakfast is complete in our house without fruit… 


Comments:   Ted said “It’s very light tasting.  I like it” and ate 2 servings.   He then put his head down and proceeded to tell me about the slum lord article on the front page of the paper.  He made his contribution to this week’s CEimB recipe. 

As for me, it wasn’t a really bad experience.  I made my breakfast using the tiniest sliver of smoked salmon I could possibly get on my toast without having to touch it too much.  Smoked salmon is also a little…should I say “greasy“? (avoiding the word “slimy”)…to the touch and that is another turn off for me. 

The fried egg white under the salmon was to try to mask the soft fishy texture.  The onions, even though they were sliced thin, stayed with me all morning (burp, burp, burp).  Maybe that’s why everyone stood OUTSIDE my office?! 

I liked the addition of the cool, crisp cucumber.  The tomatoes, …I’m glad they were there but the texture thing just made me want to get it down and never eat it again.   BUT REALLY, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.    The oranges helped clean my palette and the English Toffee Tea washed everything down.  Maybe a lemon would have been better?  I also hear a mouth wash of water, parsley and lemon is good for bad breath.  😛

My sister made this recipe as well with the same amount of skepticism as I had.  Her comment: “It was a pleasant surprise”. 

Nutrition for Joanne’s Version (1 slice of bread with toppings):

  • Calories: 233 (Ellie’s=222)
  • Protein: 12.2 g (Ellie’s=15 g)
  • Carbs: 25 g (Ellie’s=24 g) 
  • Fat:  9.5 g (Ellie’s = 7 g)
  • Sodium: 578 mg (Ellie’s = 760 mg)

Ted and I exchanged oniony kisses and I was off to work at my usual time.

The New York Breakfast on page 25 of “Food You Crave” by Ellie Krieger was super easy, light and if you enjoy smoked salmon, you’d probably think it was delicious.   Good pick, Sara.

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