When getting dressed this morning, it occurred to me that I always follow the same routine:  Underwear, socks, pants, bra, top = bottom to top.  Then I started thinking…”I wonder if the order in which clothes are put on says anything about ones personality?”   Online research had to be done.  I didn’t find anything about the order in which you dress reflecting a particular personality type, but at least I am not the only person wondering about it.  Apparently, a survey was conducted about 2 years ago addressing this very question. Click here for specific results if interested, but I have summarized below.


The majority of us put our bottoms on first. The ones putting their tops on first were mainly women.  Then there were more specific people, for example, when the weather is cold, the shirt is put on first.  If someone wears glasses, the glasses go first so they can see what piece of clothing is going where.  We also have the people who are all over the place putting on panties, then bra, back to pants, up to shirts, down to socks and finally shoes.   I don’t know… would you say this is interesting?…or do I need to get a life?!

On a more professional note….

Bragging a bit about C-Flex, the manufacturing company which I own 50%, our product is heading into deep European outer space. It has been installed in the Herschel Space Telescope (specifically the reflector mirrors) to capture information about the universe and the earliest stars.  See EuroPhotonics if you are scientifically inclined.

Food, food and more food….

We had left overs tonight because there was SO much left over from last night. But of course we needed a fresh side dish.  Tonight we had Asparagus and Sugar Snap Peas. 

Oven roasted Lemon-Mustard Asparagus and Sugar Snap Peas. Serves 2-4


Preheat oven to 425 F.

  • 16 Asparagus stalks
  • 8 oz Sugar Snap Peas
  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • The juice of 1/2 a fresh lemon
  • 1 tsp honey mustard
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare asparagus by taking both ends between fingers and bending, letting them snap at the tender point. Either use the thick end to make asparagus soup or throw away. 

Put the oil, lemon, and mustard in a small bowl and whisk together. Place the rinsed and dried asparagus and peas into a baking dish and toss with the mixture of oil, lemon and mustard.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.   Roast for 20 minutes.


Today’s Exercise… was completed this morning. A 4 mile run. A 3 mile walk and 35 minutes of lower body training.


Tonight we are watching the last third of the DVD Ted picked up yesterday.  “The Reader”.  So far so good.

Have a great night all!

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