Easy Meals

Warm Kale Salad with Hummus and Pistachios

Positive Affirmations:  One we’ve all heard before… “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.”  - S.G.Eriksson Confidence. *The article dated January 30, 2013 by Geoff Roes reminds us that the power of the mind can pull us through our challenges and fears.  Last week, I went to the podiatrist fearing the worst.  This week, I have renewed confidence that my 2014 Boston Marathon won’t be a completely agonizing event.  First, I’ve put in the training. My body has been through physical stress, adapted physiologically and can run a little quicker with the same amount of stress. Second, [...]

By |2014-04-07T15:03:12-04:00April 7, 2014|Salads|6 Comments

Union Square Cafe: Smoked Trout, Vegetable, Squash Gratin

It looks like a dip doesn’t it?  I guess that might be an idea. This dish can be served as a hearty and healthy appetizer, with a little modification of course. If the ingredients were all chopped small, then offering the Gratin with crudités or crackers might prove to be the hit of the party. Serves 4 – as a meal 8 – 12 oz Smoked Trout, peel off back skin and break into pieces. 4 TBS extra virgin olive oil – separated 2 tsp minced garlic 1 onion, chopped 1 bunch (about 8 – 10) green onions, chopped and [...]

By |2014-02-19T14:49:11-05:00February 19, 2014|Union Square Recipes|Comments Off on Union Square Cafe: Smoked Trout, Vegetable, Squash Gratin

26.2 and Teff Stew

Apple Crumbles FINALLY got the 26.2 trademark for baked goods.  I’ll be promoting healthy, energy supplying bars, cookies, bread, and muffins.  These will be foods that are easy to pack or grab & go when runners have an event.  Half marathon and marathon focused food. If you want to be a “test subject” let me know.  Boston Training, round 4 Going into week six of this year’s Boston training plan.  It hasn’t been easy since this winter has covered the roads with ice and snow.  We’ve had our share of very cold days which also challenge the body.  This coming [...]

By |2014-01-19T15:28:17-05:00January 19, 2014|Health and Nutrition|6 Comments

Vegas, Big Cooking, and Homemade Hats in Lemon Sauce

The entire Vegas vacation, a week before Thanksgiving, was a blast, even down to cycling in cold, rainy weather.  Of course that was best after it was over. We enjoyed dinners with Mary Jane (Ted’s sister) every night and did a photo shoot at Bellagio.  I’m not good at “selfies” but it seems I had the longest arms. Enjoyed delicious breakfasts at places like Bouchon in the Venetian and, my all time favorite, a breakfast of scrambled tofu, healthy whole grain toast and a side of berries (homemade jam) at Canyon Ranch Cafe A lot of fun in Vegas.  Although [...]

By |2013-11-29T17:47:58-05:00November 29, 2013|Health and Nutrition|1 Comment

Overtraining and Tuna Loaf with Cucumber Sauce

Before I get to the recipe for an absolutely YUMMMM…. inspiring reaction, I have to reiterate the following couple of paragraphs I read on iRunFar. A three part series on Overtraining. First, let me take a step back a month.  If you remember, in October, Ted and I ran Chicago. It took us a very long time, in fact it was two extra hours that my feet weren’t used to.  My thought was that because we were going slow, the 26.2 distance wouldn’t take it’s usual toll on my body. As a result, I signed up for another marathon one [...]

By |2013-11-13T15:08:55-05:00November 13, 2013|Health and Nutrition|4 Comments

Hours Trumps Miles and Meyer Lemon Baked Fries

When I worked with a trainer in 2010 to run my first marathon, it was made clear that most of my runs would be based on hours:minutes not miles.  I didn’t get this.  Ever since I had started running it was always how many miles were run that day, that week, that month.  It wasn’t hours!  In addition to a history of running based on miles not hours, my thought was “if I have to run 26.2 miles, I want to come pretty close to that amount in training.”   My trainer understood but made clear the reasoning behind the hours [...]

By |2013-09-17T15:21:57-04:00September 17, 2013|Health and Nutrition|2 Comments
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