healthy cooking

Realignment Exercises and Radicchio with Dates, Garlic, and Sunflower Seeds

Monday was a glorious day! Expecting rain and high winds, no such thing. It was 44 degrees (that’s a heat wave in Utica this time of year!) and winds at about 15 mph, not non-existent but manageable. Shane and I had a great run. I warmed up with 6 on the mill and finished with 5.35 with my doggy partner. The roads were clear and it was indescribably nice running in the warmer air. Hallelujah! Sure there was discomfort but the ease of snow free roads made a ton of difference. Don’t you just love it when everything goes your [...]

By |2011-02-15T06:25:43-05:00February 15, 2011|healthy cooking|9 Comments

Physical Therapy for Muscle Imbalance and Broccoli Clam “Egg Drop” Soup

I went to the doctor for a hamstring that won’t heal.  The result:  Muscle imbalance. My right hammy is considerably weaker than the left. Every time I stress my body, that muscle takes the brunt of it. What the doctor said:  “You won’t be ready for a marathon until next year”.  What I said: “Oh! You mean I shouldn’t try to RACE a marathon until next year .”   And so I can still run, maintaining an acute awareness of my pain level.  Speed training is restricted to tempo runs.  I begin working with a physical therapist on Monday.  Funny thing, [...]

By |2011-02-10T17:13:32-05:00February 10, 2011|healthy cooking|6 Comments

You are what you eat and Peachy Peppered Shrimp and Scallops

If you get emails from Quality Health, you probably saw the short article by Seth Czarnecki “The Truth behind “You are What You Eat””.  In case you didn’t see it, here are just some of the interesting findings based on scientific evidence.  We all now that THOSE words mean serious business! 1. Food and Brain Function:  A diet that incorporates plant foods that are high in antioxidants (strawberries, blueberries, various nuts, etc.) were found to reverse age related deficits in neuronal and cognitive function. 2. Food and Athletic Performance:  If you exercise, for example run in excess of 20 miles [...]

By |2011-01-27T17:21:00-05:00January 28, 2011|Fish, healthy cooking|9 Comments

Trying to Fool Myself and Haddock Veronique

I was a bottomless pit Monday. I nibbled at protein bars all day. If protein caused instant increases in muscle mass, I would  expect to look in the mirror and see muscles like a champion body builder . Whenever I have days when my stomach never feels full, my snack of choice is protein bars.  I never finish one bar but open 3 or 4 at one time, different flavors. That way, seeing that I’m not finishing a whole bar , it makes me feel better about taking bites from a variety of them, all day long. Mind games!  My [...]

By |2011-01-24T18:32:28-05:00January 25, 2011|Fish, healthy cooking|13 Comments

The Dancing Runner and Sweet Potato Soup with Sliced Mushroom

A pretty good week in the Boston Training plan considering the weather has been awful for running outside.   I’m on track for 55 miles by Saturday with only one speed work left.  It’s going to be bitterly cold which is why I left that workout for the treadmill in the warmth of our basement.  50.5 miles and 4.5  to go. My mental effort has been negative in training for Boston as compared to the WineGlass.  I really love running so these feelings of dread when I have a long run on schedule are new in this plan. It could be [...]

By |2011-01-21T06:30:52-05:00January 21, 2011|healthy cooking, Vegetarian|8 Comments

Skiing, Swimming, Body Styles and Wild Rice Corn Fritter

Sunday is designated rest day. I was able to get the most sleep I’ve had in ages.  While looking forward to Saturday nights game between the Jets and the Colts, I fell asleep.  I didn’t get to watch the game but I did get to sleep from 8:30 pm until 6:45 am.  It  left me ready for some active fun on Sunday. Ted and I hit the woods near Hamilton College for cross country skiing. Shane loved it as he ran along with his mini Frisbee.  We were out for about an hour.  The snow fell gently and the wind [...]

By |2011-01-10T06:28:12-05:00January 10, 2011|Exercises, healthy cooking|5 Comments
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