We received a shipment of wine from Geerlings & Wade.


Torrontes. A Dessert wine.   A 2007 Cielo, Famatina Valley Torrontes, Argentina.

The aroma is described as floral with hints of citric fruit.  The flavor is more of a tropical fruit flavor.  It was winner of the 2008 World Wine Championships. 

For Ted and myself,  the taste was tropical fruits that teased the tongue but didn’t linger.  It was far from the familiar tastes of the California whites with their sweet fruitiness.  Cielo was a complex wine.  It was enjoyable but not one of my favorites.  Ted appreciated this wine more than I did. 

Many more wine reviews to come since I ordered an assortment of 12 bottles.  They are all different.  Some were listed as “favorites” or had a rating, some were not.

It’s so much fun to do wine tastings.  I love the surprise of it all especially when you smell the bouquet, swirl the liquid fruit, then take that first sip.  My first sip travels between my upper teeth and lower lip.  The wine hits the front of my tongue then manages to coat my entire mouth.  The aroma may not be anything like the taste.  Sometimes it’s better sometimes it’s not. It’s all a surprise.


Do you have a favorite wine?  Have you ever been to the Finger Lake Wineries?


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