Hamstring pain

Hamstring Hurts and Matcha “Meatball” Cookies

I haven’t had this kind of pain in my hamstring since 2011.  Why now?! Maybe because things seem to come full circle in life and aches and pains are one of those things.  Right hamstring is super tight and restrictive in movement so a visit to the PT tomorrow has been scheduled. Lets hope there is a quick solution because Marine Corp Marathon is just weeks away and then it’s right into Space Coast at the end of November. Oh to run pain free again! That’s all I ask. Running for cookies.  Matcha Meatballs Crisp, dark and delicious.  These “meatball” [...]

By |2015-09-24T18:42:11-04:00September 24, 2015|cookies|1 Comment

Address the Pain and Piggy Pats

AMAZING SENSATION!  I put a Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch on my hamstring. It worked IMMEDIATELY.  Initially, I loved it.  Then I took it off before going to bed and regretted ever having tried it. My hamstring was giving me so much grief.  I was going to run Wednesday morning, a long run, but thought better of it since my leg was acting up.    I keep talking about that silly muscle but continue to run. Maybe that’s not the thing to do but it was staying about the same: an irritating little pain.  It didn’t get worse but then after [...]

By |2010-11-11T16:11:27-05:00November 12, 2010|Cycling, Exercises, Restaurant Review, Vegetarian|3 Comments
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