
A Week Before Boston and Arbonne Butter Cookies

April 21st, just a week away. I’ll be back in Boston, Massachusetts walking the streets and visiting the expo with 36,000 other marathon hopefuls.  Some will approach the race with complete confidence others will have nervous jitters questioning their training.  We’ll be a mixed bunch, hoping for personal records, some hoping just to finish.  Where will I be in that mixed marathon emotional heap?  I get nervous jitters, questioning how the past 18 weeks of training will allow me to get from Hopkinton to Boston.  Another big question is how my foot will hold up on the rolling terrain of [...]

By |2014-04-13T12:21:05-04:00April 13, 2014|cookies|6 Comments

Run or Not to Run and Bouchon TKOs

Do what I say not what I do… right?!   Why is it that most of us are just not that good at coaching ourselves?  Could it be that we under estimate our aches and pains? Maybe we think we are invincible: never been injured, never will be.   I’m not sure but I do know that when I have some pain, I ignore it.  Shame on me. Here is my excuse which Ted pretty much nailed the other morning when he said…”When I hurt myself I know it. I can’t run. When you get hurt, it’s never that clear cut.”   [...]

By |2014-03-28T15:38:30-04:00March 28, 2014|cookies|7 Comments

26.2 and Teff Stew

Apple Crumbles FINALLY got the 26.2 trademark for baked goods.  I’ll be promoting healthy, energy supplying bars, cookies, bread, and muffins.  These will be foods that are easy to pack or grab & go when runners have an event.  Half marathon and marathon focused food. If you want to be a “test subject” let me know.  Boston Training, round 4 Going into week six of this year’s Boston training plan.  It hasn’t been easy since this winter has covered the roads with ice and snow.  We’ve had our share of very cold days which also challenge the body.  This coming [...]

By |2014-01-19T15:28:17-05:00January 19, 2014|Health and Nutrition|6 Comments

Granola or Granula

Have you noticed how popular Granola has become?  It’s a breakfast cereal, a breakfast bar, a snack bar, and even an energy snack for hikers.  The oat based treat was originally called Granula by it’s founder Dr. Jackson in 1894 at the Jackson Sanatorium.  He promoted it as one of his health foods in the spa which operated in the early twentieth century. (Source: www.believecereals). Granola is basically oats, nuts, maybe a sweetener such as maple syrup, brown sugar or honey, and fruits. It’s made crisp by baking it and stirring while baking to break it up into loose pieces [...]

By |2014-01-07T19:07:21-05:00January 7, 2014|Baking|6 Comments

Bouchon: Nutter Butters

Training has begun.  Training for the 2014 Boston Marathon.  I’m not ready. I have been enjoying the extra sleep, the slow and easy runs for how ever many miles my legs feel like going.  Now miles and minutes will be written down, reviewed, progress noted, and every day counted. Let battle commence! But first, fill up on Nutter Butters! Who doesn’t like those peanut butter cookies shaped like a peanut?  If you love peanut butter, you just adore those cookies.  Now you can make them even better because Bouchon has a recipe on page 36 that is just amazing.  The [...]

By |2013-12-18T20:01:51-05:00December 18, 2013|cookies|2 Comments

Hershey’s ROLO Mini Pretzel Treats

No running this morning.  It was –3 …brrrrr…. This morning was a perfect day to work the legs in a different way: weights.  And after 25 minutes in the gym, the dogs wanted to go out AGAIN!  We took a walk and called it a day. Getting ready for the holiday and baking something super easy, super fast, super delicious to add to the Christmas cookie tray! The Rolo Pretzel Delight from Hershey, recipe found right on the back of a bag of Rolo’s.  Imagine how surprised I was when I sat there eating Rolo’s and discovered a diet saving [...]

By |2013-12-17T08:37:15-05:00December 17, 2013|cookies|3 Comments
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