Food thoughts

Cranberry Cinnamon Goat Cheese with Bacon Slices

In just a couple of days it will be time to run another 15K, The Utica Boilermaker Road Race.  It can be fun or it can be tough depending on the goal.  It’s not a flat course but the hills aren’t overly aggressive either.  The crowd support is maxed out. You won’t see a more motivating crowd than what you witness while running from East Utica all the way to Varick Street by Saranac Brewery.   And lets not forget that HUGE post race party with music, food, beer, and celebration.  What are my expectations?  I try not to expect anything [...]

By |2013-07-11T20:18:51-04:00July 11, 2013|Food|2 Comments

Oh Look! A Rainbow!

Just what I needed Can I vent?  Seriously. Will you allow me just a moment to spew all sorts of negatives then I promise, I COMPLETELY PROMISE, I will tell you something positive. Negative:  The Week from Hell … I wrote all the nasty stuff that happened this week then I thought twice. Who wants to read that? We read depressing stuff in the news ALL     THE    TIME, why read it here. So I’ll just mention the positives which may not be meaningful since they don’t have the negatives to connect: Positive:  There was a rainbow The kitchen is usable. [...]

By |2013-06-29T16:49:29-04:00June 29, 2013|Food|1 Comment

What went wrong

As you can see, something “fatal” happened to my site.  I will need help fixing it.  Hope I won’t be down too long. This week as been one of those weeks!

By |2013-06-29T08:37:45-04:00June 29, 2013|Food|Comments Off on What went wrong

Running Balance and The Mint Julep

I constructed a training plan a few weeks ago for Ted’s first marathon which is Chicago in October.  Ted went into this plan with an Achilles injury.  He’s prone to back problems as well as plantar fasciitis.  He is also training for 4 more triathlons this summer.  It was quite the challenge putting a plan together, incorporating his triathlons as well as keeping him injury free or at least not exasperating the current problem( s ). So far so good but his running miles are staying low.  He follows the schedule, e.g. “Run 60 minutes easy” but if he finds [...]

By |2013-06-29T08:54:24-04:00June 25, 2013|Food thoughts|2 Comments

The Refreshing Mojito

Is mint growing furiously in your garden? You’re looking at it and thinking of all the wonderful recipes you can come up with for that mint.  Some that came to mind for me was mint chocolate chip cookies, boiled potatoes with fresh mint, mint-parsley pesto, mint julep, minted iced tea, and then the one that took hold of us today, The Mojito. The Mojito is Cuban in origin and is a rum based cocktail that immediately offers a cold, citrusy zing with every “Ah” inspiring sip.  Based on a recipe from (“The Real Mojito) To make cocktails for 2: [...]

By |2013-06-15T19:51:05-04:00June 15, 2013|Food thoughts|1 Comment

Healthy Does Happen in Vegas

No, we’re not in Las Vegas although it does sound like a great idea.  I was thinking about being on vacation and absolutely trashing a healthy diet.  Why do we do it?  We can surely find ways to celebrate our freedom from work and other stresses while on vacation other than over indulging.  Plus, there are so many great healthy food experiences unique to the places we go.  It’s time to do some taste testing. Las Vegas, where food and drink seem to offer endless temptation offers top rated, 5 star restaurants and number one Chefs.  This is the place [...]

By |2013-05-12T12:49:57-04:00May 12, 2013|Food thoughts|1 Comment
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