After all those cookies baked for Stef’s wedding, then the cake,


my neck and shoulders were shot.  By the end of every day, I was in agony.  I haven’t done that much baking is so long and the tilt of my head, required when rolling cookie dough, frosting sweets, decorating in general, took it’s toll.  I was lucky to be able to run pain free. What shocked me was how quickly Excedrin worked to ease the pain.  I don’t usually take aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, or any other NSAID.  Maybe that’s why when I do take them, they work so well.  Anyway, I needed the relief this past week.

I managed to get all workouts in, not because I was energized or motivated, but more so out of frustration.  I was annoyed at myself for sabotaging my Half Marathon so badly by thinking I could do it all and still run to obtain a PR.   Goes to show, never take a course, a race, or yourself for granted. It will bite you in the butt-inski.

My workouts didn’t conquer any mountains but I did get them all in with quality time and effort.

Monday was a rest day. I was mentally and physically taxed.  There was nothing in me that could do any more than walk the dog and do a few arm exercises with weights.

Tuesday was a good workout beginning with a 3 mile run on the treadmill, working chest and back with weights then running an easy 5 miles with Shane. I put some hills into those miles as well.

Wednesday I ran an easy 4 miles but had some time and worked in legs, shoulders  and abs.

Thursday was the speed work out and I was ready for it:  Warm up, Fartlek’s, Cool down for 8.68 miles. Good workout.

Friday was a much desired day off. 

Saturday was my long run.  I was looking forward to it, then I wasn’t. I planned my route, then I didn’t know where I wanted to go.  It was a mystery right up until the time my legs started moving how and where that run would go.  18 miles was the scheduled length.

Shane took off with me at 5 am to run 6 1/2 miles.  Then on my own, I ran up steep hills with a 9% grade, along farm country, up more hills with less of a grade, about 5%, down some steep hills, and through the golf course. I ended up at the eagle admiring the early morning and the fresh air.

The eagle

It was a good 18 miles.  It wasn’t fast since there were three substantial inclines that slowed my pace.  I pushed through and didn’t feel super tired until mile 16.  I was ready to be done but my mind said “18 today!” and that’s what I was going to do.  18.01 exactly.  It felt good to be home.  

Guess what I did when I got home? Awe…come on!  What would we ALL love to do after an 18 mile run? 


It felt soooo good.  100 minutes on the table. My right side was torture because it was stiff and there were some “rocks” in those muscles.  I think I only snorted once when I fell asleep. 

Stefanie’s wedding was beautiful.  I saw it mostly through the camera lens but had a blast playing “photographer”,


Early to bed Sunday night only to wake up at 2:30 am with everything pitch black.  I was fumbling my way around trying to find flashlights and worried about waking up on time Monday morning for work and/or a workout. 

The internal clock woke me up at 5:15 and there was nothing else to do but run. Shane and I went out for 5.6 miles while discovering the source of the outage


The pole lays right across the top of our street.  Our house is seen behind the trees.  The road in either direction, blocked off.


We hope the power will be restored by mid morning. HOPE!

Loss of power doesn’t affect some of us


There is just no reason NOT to play Frisbee.

Breakfast was cooked on the grill.


Steel cut oats with cinnamon and raisins.  Dad was up so we pronounced him the official stirrer of the burgoo.


Such excitement this weekend.  Weddings, storms, and plummeting poles, what other excitement could we possibly have?!

How about your weekend?  Exciting, boring, or just right?

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