Vibram Five Fingers

Vibram 5 Finger Running and Farro Wheat Salad or Cereal

Wednesday didn’t seem my day for speed work.  The sequence of events had me wondering if I should have gone back to bed and tried again the next day. I woke up before the alarm and was just going back to sleep when it went off. Reluctantly, 10 minutes later I got up.  As I was getting dress, the urge to go back to bed was so strong but I fought it and ended up downstairs in the gym.  I saw a 6 mile run at 5K pace was scheduled.  Since it was still very early, I hopped on the [...]

By |2011-06-01T18:36:00-04:00June 2, 2011|Health and Nutrition|7 Comments

Take a walk with me

I’m still taking it easy with low miles until Saturday, giving my body plenty of rest and recovery from the marathon.  Along with the weight lifting workouts, with heavier weights, I incorporated 3 miles of easy running both Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday, I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything but eat like a horse. No idea why all of a sudden my body said “FOOD! GIVE ME FOOD!”. Thursday was a GREAT day for my first speed workout.  It was super stormy so the outside run was a no-go. I did manage 6 quality miles on the treadmill and [...]

By |2011-04-28T18:25:15-04:00April 29, 2011|Life|9 Comments
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