Oven Baked Rutabaga Chips

First, I have to tell you, I'm so excited to say I was awarded Third Place in the #7 Peanut Butter Celebration! Yippee!  Check out what all the other great looking and tasting recipes were.  The Peanut Butter Boy has a terrific site. You should become a fan for sure! After looking at and being tempted by all those super recipes made with peanut butter, you will definitely have to to review this piece of weight savvy information from The Number on the Scale Body composition. We hear a lot about it... but what exactly is it? Well, to be [...]

By |2009-08-18T18:33:52-04:00August 18, 2009|Food|7 Comments

You really want to know

Here's a good suggestion for a healthy mid morning snack. Add some defrosted raspberries, some raisins and nuts to non fat plain cottage cheese. The picture looks a little....ah...sloshy but it really tasted super, espec. if you like raspberries!  Lunch was simply left overs from yesterday's lunch, plus a small spinach side salad.  No picture.  I really wanted to post the following write up from  Sorry its a little "chopped" but I think you can still get the gist of the message.  The nutrition for the boxes that are cut off on the right, I have entered at the end of the  [...]

By |2009-01-16T16:43:02-05:00January 16, 2009|Food thoughts|Comments Off on You really want to know
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