
Apple Spice Wheat Bagels and the Chat

Starting a little different this time, first, the recipe because EVERYONE loves bagels and if you’re a runner, the chewy, multi-flavor bread circles welcome you at the end of a race. This recipe was taken, pretty much, ingredient-for-ingredient, measure-for-measure, from the blogger “ButterYum”.  It’s easy, although I used my bread maker on dough setting, and the result was perfect!  Here is the link:  Butter Yum Bagels Here is the recipe as I made them:  Homemade Apple Spice Wheat Bagels makes 6 Ingredients for the bagels:  Put the following into your bread maker as follows 3/4 cup warm water, 105-115F 1 [...]

By |2013-11-17T16:15:13-05:00November 17, 2013|Bread|1 Comment

Swedish Rye Bread (Ragbrod)

This recipe is for this month's baking with My Kitchen My World when the group visits Sweden. So many good foods in Sweden! I'm on a bread kick and Rye just happens to be one of may favorite so while surfing through various options, I came across a recipe from Food By Country and couldn't wait to taste this delicious recipe. The following recipe is my own version and will make 2 small 4 x 8 loaves. 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup water 1 3/4 TBS coconut oil 1/4 cup unsulfured molasses 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 [...]

By |2013-08-27T19:37:00-04:00August 27, 2013|Bread|5 Comments

Recovering in S.C and A Taste of Utica Italian Bread, Round 2

A mini vacay visiting Mum and Dad in Pawley's Island, S.C.  It’s always beautiful here, even when it rains, which it’s NOT doing (more than I can say about Utica, NY!).  We had a wonderful dinner at Bistro 217 Friday night while Ted was walking the dogs in Utica. I know this because he called me to complain. I miss you guys! My Saturday morning mid range run was met with mixed feelings. Half of me was looking forward to see how my legs have recovered since the marathon last weekend and half of me just wanted to stay in [...]

By |2012-09-22T16:34:28-04:00September 22, 2012|Bread, Taste of Utica|Comments Off on Recovering in S.C and A Taste of Utica Italian Bread, Round 2

Have you changed? and Dark Coffee Rye Bread

How Have You Changed?  Do you ever look at yourself and think “Boy! Have I changed.” I don’t mean just physically but internally as well. Take notice of how different you are today than you were last year. Did you jump on the “get fit” bandwagon?  Did you take up a new sport?  Did you get a new job? A promotion? Lose a job?  Are you in a new relationship? Changes define us.  Some are HUGE! They can really bring our lives to a halt and others are simply notations in our daily journal of life. As we get closer [...]

By |2011-12-12T18:00:43-05:00December 13, 2011|Bread|3 Comments

It’s Almost Here and Bulgur Wheat Honey Browns

Philadelphia Marathon is almost here.   I have moments of confidence then moments of panic.  Because I train alone, it’s very hard to maintain a race pace so the question still remains, what IS my marathon pace?  I know what I want it to be but, don’t we all. Ted and I went to Barnes and Noble last night and of course I perused the running books.  While sitting reading through one of the books (I love that – you can actually go through an entire magazine  then not buy it ), I came across a reference to a book by [...]

By |2011-11-17T18:07:23-05:00November 18, 2011|Bread|10 Comments

IN THE NEWS and Bay Scallops with Red Pepper Raisin Raita

Do you live in a community that supports your accomplishments? If so, you’re lucky. I’m also one of the lucky ones. Today in the UticaOD, an article was featured in the Mohawk Valley iSpy section which recognized my win at the California Raisin Bread Contest as well as commenting on my passion for running. Exciting! Some other fun things happened today: 1. I went for my last long 20 mile run before the Philadelphia Marathon on November 20th. I wasn’t happy during the run, even though nothing hurt, I was feeling tired. Come to find out, my pace was faster [...]

By |2011-11-03T17:28:27-04:00November 3, 2011|Bread, Running|6 Comments
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