marathon training

Broken Wrist Recovery and Oven Baked Egg and Lentil Dinner

This wrist recovery is going slow at least for me. I have been running, completing 44 miles this past week.  Running outside gets painful after a few miles. My wrist tends to cramp up.  I usually walk fast with Luke for about a mile and a half then take Zoey for 3 to 5 miles.  When I get home, I hop on  the treadmill and finish my run with a brace on the wrist.  Big news this week:  new treadmill!  Awesome! T50XER by Matrix. Love it.  I’ve resolved to do speed work on the mill and only if the roads [...]

By |2017-01-15T13:50:30-05:00January 15, 2017|Exercises, Health and Nutrition|Comments Off on Broken Wrist Recovery and Oven Baked Egg and Lentil Dinner

Avocado Dressed Salad and Marathon Thoughts

It’s those days when I’m in the kitchen just chopping away that the best recipes are created.  On this particular day, I had an avocado to use.  That was the beginning of the following creation. Avocado Dressed Salad I didn’t write down the amount of anything used. I just grabbed, chopped and added to a bowl knowing that a mashed avocado with fresh lime juice would be my dressing.  Here is the best that I can remember and I’m sure that if you modify based on your own likes/dislikes, the result will be just as good. 1 avocado – mashed   [...]

By |2016-10-01T18:17:12-04:00October 1, 2016|Salads|Comments Off on Avocado Dressed Salad and Marathon Thoughts

Last Long Run Before Race Day

That last long run before your marathon.  If it goes well there is happiness and confidence going into the race.  If it doesn’t go well negative thoughts begin to bombard our thinking and set the stage for an epic fail of a race. Since a good run takes care of itself, lets look at a bad run and break it down.  This will be easy since today, I had one of those epic failure long runs.  Or did I?  Here’s the story and here is my running team: It’s important to note that going into this run, my legs had [...]

By |2015-03-28T13:16:20-04:00March 28, 2015|Running|1 Comment

An Empty Nest

The heat, the humidity, chasing puppies, all got the better of me on Thursday.  I couldn’t get out of bed to do my mid range run of 100 minutes.  My eyes felt as if bowling balls were attached to the lids and pulling them closed.  I took the day off from exercise but decided I would plan on doing my 20 mile run a day early since I had such a good rest on Thursday. 20 miles went pretty slow this Friday morning.  I enjoyed the scenery in the switchbacks a little too much and slowed my pace waaayyy down, [...]

By |2012-07-20T10:37:00-04:00July 20, 2012|Running|2 Comments
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