Things you find in your email and Pesto Pepper Lasagna Roll Ups

I love checking email. It’s like opening presents: comments from bloggy readers, product promotions, discount savings, even the weird stuff.  It’s all a surprise. Here are some examples. 1.  GREAT email:   2. Would YOU trust this one???  “Hypnoxico Altitude Systems”, only $4,000 and up! 3.  Oh YUM!  Free Appetizer?  I’m getting the Greens! 4.  The wonderful comments: What about you?  What’s your favorite type of email? Pesto Pepper Lasagna Rolls Whole wheat noodles add so much goodness to this family pleasing dish. Serves 9 1 large red onion 6 TBS olive oil, divided 2 green bell peppers, chopped 15 [...]