Spring has taken on a new look.  It’s white without a tulip or daffodil bud in sight.

Guess who doesn’t care?  Here’s a hint:

zoey and shane7

Good for playing “catch me if you can”

zoey and shane5

Good for “Frisbee?!”

zoey and shane6

Good for “Can I jump that snow drift? It’s kinda high?”

They might like the continuing snow, wind, and cold but I sure don’t. Good thing I took today off from running.  It’s the Syracuse Half Marathon tomorrow and I didn’t really cut down on my runs this week so I’m taking the day off before the race. 

Not sure how the race will go for my legs.  Everything is pretty stiff even though I’ve been very diligent about stretching this week.  I keep telling myself that whatever the body feels like doing tomorrow, that’s all I can do.  I know if I push too hard in the beginning, I’ll mentally and physically burn myself out during the 2nd half of the race.  The initial plan is to take those first 3 miles casually and enjoy the surroundings.  I won’t check my pace until I get to mile 9 or 10.  I’ll simply “feel” my way to that point and hope there’s something left for a push to the finish. 

This race will be one of two marathon predictors.  The next race is in a couple of weeks and that’s a 10K, contingent upon me staying injury free and rested.  If worst comes to worst, I’ll enjoy another year on the Boston course, taking my time and taking in all the crowd support and conversation.  One way or another, I’m going to enjoy my time in Boston. It’s my favorite marathon.

Cauliflower.  It makes a good salad.

Maybe you saw a version of this salad in BonAppetite magazine?  I’ve taken quite a liking to cauliflower lately and this recipe brought together the gentle flavor of cauliflower with the fun, round beads of whole wheat pearled couscous both enhanced with a lemony-herb marinade. 

Food Fun Feb 182

Serves 4.  *Don’t go too heavy on the lemon or mustard otherwise you will cover other delicate flavors.

Food Fun Feb 183

  • 1/2 cup whole wheat couscous
  • 1 tsp grated lemon zest
  • 3 TBS lemon juice
  • 1 scant TBS mayonnaise
  • 1 scant tsp honey mustard
  • 6 TBS olive oil, divided
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 head of cauliflower cut into small florets
  • 15 oz can fava beans (or other favorite robust bean)
  • 1/2 cup parsley – divided
  • 2 TBS fresh tarragon leaves –divided

Cook couscous according to package directions, drain then rinse with cold water after cooking and set aside.

Whisk the lemon juice, mayonnaise, mustard, 5 TBS oil until well blended. Season with salt and pepper and set aside

Heat 1 TBS oil in a large skillet and add the cauliflower.  Cook, turning occasionally for 6 minutes.  Add the beans and continue cooking another 6 minutes.  Add 2 TBS water, cover and cook until tender for about 3 minutes more.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

Food Fun Feb 181

Place the cauliflower and bean mix into a large serving bowl.  Add 1/4 cup parsley, 1 TBS tarragon, couscous and half of the dressing.  Toss to coat.

Drizzle with remaining dressing and top with remaining parsley to serve.

Food Fun Feb 187

What fun things are you getting up to this weekend?

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