People aren’t either wicked or noble.  They’re like chef’s salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict.   – Lemony Snicket

This recipe is a far cry from the confusion and conflict of chef’s salads or people.  Pasta with Ricotta is clear and simple and there are no bad things.

Fusion of Food and Friends by Carla Vavala. A simple cook book with delicious recipes for beginner and intermediate cooks.  This recipe is one to keep handy for drop in dinner guest.  A sure fire recipe in a pinch.

FOFF Linguine with Ricotta3

  • 8 oz. linguine or choice (use whole grain pasta to add more nutrition)
  • 8 oz. ricotta (use part skim or reduce fat and add your own olive oil for addition healthy fat reducing quality)
  • 1 cup or less reserved pasta water
  • salt and pepper to taste

Boil pasta, cook according to package directions. Before draining, reserve 1 cup of pasta water.

In medium bowl, add ricotta and a little of the hot pasta water to get the desired thickness. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Heat before adding to pasta. Toss and enjoy!

FOFF Linguine with Ricotta4

Have any 4 ingredient dinner recipes to share?

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