I’m not sure why we seem to encounter delays 95% of the time we travel. It happens and without fail, it happened today.  Trying to check in for a 7 am flight  only to find out that it’s delayed 1 1/2 hours. That began the chore of trying to find a different connection to get us into San Francisco.  The result:  we lose 5 hours in sunny San Fran.  Sad smile  Instead, we get to spend 4 hours in the Chicago O’Hare airport. How absolutely WONDERUL is that?!!!! Angry smile


The first task at hand while beginning our initial wait in Syracuse was breakfast.


Not too exciting except for that delicious apple:  A small coffee, non fat peach yogurt, 1/4 of a bagel (shared with Ted), and a Lady Alice apple.

Lady Alice Apples

I came across an article the other day which mentioned a new apple variety on the block. The Lady Alice. 


The apple was discovered as a chance seedling in Washington State.  It offers three most important characteristics apple lovers seek.

1.  It’s cosmetically attractive with red stripes over a creamy yellow background.  The inside is slightly off white, very juicy and crisp.


2.  It has a distinct taste which begins sweet with a slightly tart finish.  The apple is firm with a delicious crunch and makes it perfect for eating or using in baking when texture is key.

3.  It browns slowly after cutting or biting which makes it perfect for salads or fruit trays. 

The Lady Alice is a February through April apple and available at select retailers.  We couldn’t get it in Utica but because of my love for apple, I kindly requested a box so I could sink my teeth into this gift from Eden.


Rainier Fruit Company distributes the apple where you can find more information HERE.


We have some awesome apples in New York State but Lady Alice is going to present some tough competition.


Benefits of Apples

  • Leave the peel on since the polyphenols and antioxidants found plentiful in the skin will offer multiple health benefits.
  • Apples boost weight loss efforts because they are a whole food, all natural,  which will not only satisfy hunger but also your sugar cravings AND a good source of fiber.
  • An apple a day may reduce cholesterol levels and promote heart health.
  • There has even been some possibilities that the fruit helps prevent against certain types of cancer, delay on set of Alzheimer’s, AND reduce chronic respiratory symptoms.
  • For pregnant women, the apple is suspected in reducing the risk of asthma in children at age 5.


What’s your favorite fruit?  *Don’t say strawberries because according to Sheldon, the strawberry is “technically” not a fruit. Winking smile

Big Bang

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