Great tip from RealAge to curb your appetite..

Research suggests that eating rye bread may do an even better job than wheat bread at keeping stomachs from growling later in the day.

The Toast That Tides You Over
In a study, people who ate rye bread with breakfast were less hungry before and after lunch compared with people who ate wheat. Rye’s super-high fiber content probably has something to do with it. But researchers suspect that rye may also produce a lower insulin response than wheat bread (this would help with hunger), and that rye may have a unique fiber composition that keeps people feeling full longer.”

Since rye happens to be one of my favorites, this was good news for me.  Speaking of favorites, what about large, juicy, sweet sea scallops?  They are so easy, so full of flavor and provide a good healthy meal. Warning!  Watch the sodium. You don’t want to add too much to these bad boys. 


Seared Scallops with Honey-Lime Glaze (approx. 8 servings)

  • 1 to 1 1/2 lbs Sea Scallops (the large ones)
  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • Juice of 3 limes (about 1/2 a cup)
  • 1 tsp fresh grated ginger
  • 2 TBS honey
  • 2 TBS rum (spiced or dark rum would be super if you have it on hand!)
  • salt and pepper (no more than 1/2 tsp salt!)
  • 1/2 tsp cilantro (or more if you like cilantro)

Wash and dry the scallops.  REALLY, REALLY DRY THOSE SCALLOPS!

The Glaze:   Put the lime juice, ginger, honey, rum into a pot and bring to a boil for 2 minutes.  Remove from heat, add a little salt and pepper, set aside.

The Scallops:  Heat a stove top grill pan on high heat.  Coat with olive oil – wait 1 minute and add the scallops.


Sear on both sides, about 2 minutes per side – just to opaque.

Remove from heat and place in a serving dish.  Cover with glaze and sprinkle with cilantro.

The scallops were served on top of grilled eggplant slices and plum tomato halves.


Approximate Nutrition for Scallops with Glaze (1 serving)

  • 119 calories
  • 14.4 g
  • 8 g
  • 2.5 g
  • 150 mg

A note about washing seafood:  Make sure you wash seafood well.  Rinse fish and dry it. Rinse shellfish and dry it. There are a couple of reasons for this and maybe it’s personal preference, maybe not.  Let me know your thoughts.  Here are mine.

1.  Wash shell fish to get the grit off/out of it.

2.  Wash white fish/filets because they have been handled and it’s simply sanitary.

3.  WARNING! This one is gross!   I have found a worm on fish and tonight, I found a spider in the bag with the scallops. EEEWWWW! I would have taken a photo but I really didn’t want that reminder when I thought about this really good meal with the scallops smelling and tasting so sweet.   Always Wash The Fish!


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