The trip to the “Geek Squad” took SO looonnggg yesterday.  The computer is still under the care of those techno-medics, undergoing “diagnostic testing”.  It will most likely turn out to be a software incompatibility issue but since I have absolutely no patience whatsoever in regards to computer problems, it’s safer for the computer, in terms of survival, to be in their hands.  Experience has shown me that banging, punching, dropping, and kicking never seem to work.   

bad computer2

Blogging this week will only be once a day, or until I get the little guy back from “Dr. Geek and Staff”.  Here is a recap of last night.   But first… lets talk morning…

Shane was a bum last night. He was very restless when we went to bed.  At 2:30AM he woke both of us up.  Ted gave him water (Shane won’t go downstairs by himself to get it…figure that one out!) and let him outside for a minute.  Back upstairs, Shane grabbed a rawhide chew and began gnawing away. Annoying!   Ted took it away.  At 3AM, Shane sat looking at me, nudging me with his cold nose and whining. That means he has to go out since I’m the “potty” lady and will answer the call. There we are, 3AM walking down the street. I was surprised that a car actually flew past us. Job done – back to bed.  The workout was a little later and therefore cut short: 35 minutes leg workout. 4 1/2 mile run upto and around the golf course.  Can you believe there were two people already in the cart and off the first hole at 5:45 AM?!!! Die-hards!

 Here is Monday night’s vegetable dish which I’ve probably posted before or at least something similar. We did the CEimB recipe for this week so you will have to wait until Thursday for the rest of Monday nights menu. Here is a hint…is was a real good Jambalaya!

Basic Broccoli Bake:


  • 1 cup Vegetable Broth / or chicken broth
  • 3 head of broccoli, chop of florets and par-boil for 5 minutes in the Broth.
  • 10 grape tomatoes, sliced in half
  • 2 spring onions, chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 400 F.  Spray a baking dish with non stick spray. Drain the broccoli and put into the baking dish. Top with the tomatoes and onions. Salt and pepper to taste.  Sprinkle on the cheese and bake for 30 minutes.


 Have a great Tuesday and … why not let me know your favorite way to prepare broccoli… is it a sweet broccoli salad? My sister makes one of the best!

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