There was an accident in the kitchen last evening while preparing dinner so I am temporarily one typing finger short.   Therefore this mornings post will be told in pictures.

Wet walk - run with Shane after a leg work out preceeded by a 20

Wet walk - run with Shane after a leg work out preceded by a 20





Spiru-Tein Cherry Jubilee Shake with FUZE

Spiru-Tein Cherry Jubilee Shake with FUZE

Bob's Red Mill SC Oats cooked with 2 Vanilla Maple Tea Bags.  Banana and Coconut added. 1/2 a grapefruit

Bob's Red Mill SC Oats cooked with 2 Vanilla Maple Tea Bags. Banana and Coconut added. 1/2 a grapefruit

Put stubborn aloe plant under light in an attempt to get it to grow ... it's been a year.

Put stubborn aloe plant under light in an attempt to get it to grow ... it's been a year.

That’s it for now.  I would take a pic. of my injury but it’s too gross for me to look at it. Ted is having to change the bandages. 
Have a great day!
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