Every day for lunch, a salad is made.  The ingredients are typically spinach, red bell pepper slices, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and a radish

















I never ate radishes until I went on a Macrobiotic Diet kick.  Although a total reformation of food intake was only accomplished for seven days, I did adopt one of the most favorable staples of this diet which is a daily dose of radish. The only difference, my radishes are not pickled, but they are a healthy addition anyway.  Here is some information collected from a few internet sources. 

Red Globes also offer a very good source of the trace mineral molybdenum and are a good source of potassium and folic acid. Daikons also provide a very good source of potassium and copper. Radishes, like other member of the cruciferous family (cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), contain cancer-protective properties. Throughout history radishes have been effective when used as a medicinal food for liver disorders. They contain a variety of sulfur-based chemicals that increase the flow of bile. Therefore, they help to maintain a healthy gallbladder and liver, and improve digestion. Fresh radish roots contain a larger amount of vitamin C than cooked radish roots. Radish greens, contain far more vitamin C, calcium, and protein than the roots.  Read more at: EveryNutrient

The nutritional facts for a serving of 7 radishes (85g) copied from TheFresh1:

  •  Calories: 15
  • Total Fat: 0
  • Cholesterol: 0
  • Sodium: 25mg
  • Total Carbs: 3g
  • Sugars: 2g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Vitamin C:  30%  Calcium: 2%

If you have never eaten a radish, it is somewhat tangy in flavor. When I was younger, I didn’t like them. It seemed they had a “hot” taste. 

The radish is a member of the mustard family and can be red, pink, white, and black.  I am only familiar with two varieties: Red Globes- small, bright and red and the daikon – a long white radish.

At HealthandWealth, the writer claims benefits from the juice. Teas, purees, broths, and even deodorants are made using the radish.  Relief from kidney stones, digestion of starchy foods, fat deposit removal, burns, hypothyroidism, and cancer prevention are claimed.

How to prepare a radish:  Wash it and slice it. Toss it on your salad.


After trimming, soak it for two hours to enhance the flavor and add crispness.   For anyone wanting to add a cute little garnish to food, make a radish rose.

It’s a very busy evening tonight so I will leave you with this radish poem

Do you carrot all for me?
My heart beets for you,
With your turnip nose
And your radish face,
You are a peach.
If we cantaloupe,
Lettuce marry;
Weed make a swell pear.

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