We rushed around with last nights dinner. We took a break to sleep.  We rushed around with this morning’s breakfast… when will it stop?!  Okay, it wasn’t all that bad.  This morning Shane and I went for a lovely walk through the first Proctor Park. We went just over 4 miles.  Here’s the beautiful face on that little guy-o-mine:

That's our boy!

That's our boy!

He got all excited about having his picture taken and almost knocked me over which would have been quite embarrassing seeing as it was getting later and the cars were flying by probably thinking “crazy lady!”.   It’s not like it would have been the first time.  With our previous pooch, Abby, she used to drag me along the Parkway Path. If she saw another dog, I might as well have just laid down because I was going down anyway.    She was a good dog in spite of that and we miss her terribly.

After our walk, I decided on another egg dish to start the day.  This morning was asparagus, spinach, grape tomatoes in 1/2 of an Ezekiel Pita.  I added sliced apples on the side.

A breakfast for Friday

A breakfast for Friday

Now I’m off to promote running at the Health Expo for the Heart Run and Walk being held in Utica tomorrow. I’ll take the camera and if there is anything “camera worthy” it will get p’graphed for sure. 

Have a super Friday!

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