Last night’s dinner at Chesterfields with our guests was enjoyable. Jan (pronouned “Yan”) from Sweden ate something bad on the plane so he didn’t join us. However Julian and Jerry were quite impressed with our Utica Italian Cuisine.  We ordered the Greens Morelle and everyone loved them (meatless of course).  Ted recommened the Veal Parmesan to Jerry and he must have thanked Ted for his recommendation about 5 times. Julian had pasta with clams in marinara and couldn’t stop eating. I had the same as the prior week because they were out of haddock:  Salmon and Shrimp in a marinara cream sauce (on the side).

Today is busy going over the job, and revamping inspection criteria, etc.  If all goes well, we will get larger orders and they will use the parts in a new product.

As for breakfast to start this day… well, let me back track. My alarm went off as usual at 3:50AM, but we didn’t get to bed until 11 so I didn’t get up. Got up at4:30AM but decided it was too early.  Finally got up at 4:50 and was in the gym by 5AM. Prework out shake was VPX whey pro.  Did a quick 30 min. of shoulders, it was a good workout. I didn’t slack, used a med – heavy weights but worked right along by supersetting.  Shane and I went for a 3 1/2 mile run.  Not bad on 5 1/2 hours sleep.

Todays breakfast was: VPX protein with 3oz raspberries. Grain was just under 1/4 cup GF Steel Cut oats topped off with Buckwheat Groats. 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp raisins. Fruit, along with the raspberries was 1/2 a grapefruit.      

GF Steel Cut Oats w/ Buckwheat Groats

GF Steel Cut Oats w/ Buckwheat Groats

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