As I ran along this morning, I listened to the constant click, click, click of my right ankle. It didn’t hurt, just got a little annoying with all that clicking.
The ankle pain from yesterday had disappeared.  I’m thinking it was caused by the running shoes I wore so I changed to my minimal Nike Flys. No pain! Yay! Now to get rid of the clicks?!!!
Total miles: 18.25
I set out to do between 16-20 and considering I ran 7 yesterday, I was happy with the 18 today.
Do you give yourself a range of miles or time to accomplish your run or do you set a solid, exact mile goal?


*By the way, I downloaded the WordPress App on my iphone for blogging (yes – I’m a little slow). It’s so cool! That’s how I uploaded the post for today AND that’s why the only photo is one of me in SC from last Feb. Limited photos on my iphone. I’ll have to take more.

Do you blog from your iphone?

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