The morning run wrap up:  7.3 miles at a 9.5 pace.  We made  a few stops (inevitable with a dog as your running partner).  It was a great run.  Ted got up to use the BR at 5AM which woke me up.  I got up and went back to bed only to get up 15 minutes later.  The result was an early run. Home before 7 AM.  Shane was brushed and had a few tosses of the ball.  His energy just doesn’t run out. We came inside only to find Ted JUST getting out of bed.  What a bum!

I picked up an arm band for my iphone since I’ll be increasing my mileage.  I usually don’t like “attachments” when I run.  Every little feeling seems exaggerated after so many miles that anything extra by way of things on my body, against my body, or repetitive noises (like the plastic poop bag hold for Shane hitting against my coat zipper) really bugs me. 

DSC00067 I started my run with this under my coat on my arm.  It kept sliding down and it wouldn’t tighten any more. At about mile 3.5, I took it out from under my coat and put it around my lower calf.  That didn’t work. It felt like I was running with a limp due to added weight on my right leg.  I took it off my ankle and put it on my arm, outside my coat and hoped it wouldn’t slide off.  That’s wear it stayed and ended up being ok.

About last night…

Last things first.  We watched this movie after coming home from dinner last night:

DSC00068 A suspense – thriller.  I had to stick my fingers in my ears and close my eyes.  It got a little gory.  In a nut shell:  Good movie with a SHOCKER of an ending. 

We ended up at an old favorite and had some great food.  I didn’t worry about eating pasta or changing my preferred Friday night menu due to my run because 7 miles is a standard distance for me.  I think when I begin 10 miles and more, then I will cut out the extra vegetables and hot peppers.  Hot pepper repercussions on a long run can be deadly….you know what I mean?!

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I had two mussels. I don’t really like mussels unless they are cold and served at “The Hook”.  These were really small anyway so I tried 2 and confirmed that I didn’t like them. The fish was  excellent.  It was seared on the outside with slices of long hot peppers in a light marinara sauce.  The sauce was a bit greasy but it was tasty.  I had it over steamed broccoli instead of pasta.

There was a large table of Italian Gentlemen nearby.  Ted made the comment …”You know, Italian men are more affectionate to their friends than to their wives”.  I began watching this table and sure enough…

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DSC00065  Affection seemed to go around the table.  The men took turns getting up, talking, touching, laughing.  You just don’t see that when these guys are with their wives.  Why is that?!!!!

It was a great dinner.  Here’s to Friday nights out..


By the way, Terry Walters left us a comment on the GIVEAWAY post.  Check it out!  Today is your last chance to get her book sent to you for free.  Leave me a comment at this post.


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